• Reflections on Remembrance & Nationalism

    Reflections on Remembrance & Nationalism

    Today I went to a Remembrance service at a war memorial followed by one at a church.  At both, the national anthem was sung, and other nationalistic sentiments were expressed in word and song.  It goes without saying that Remembrance is an incredibly important and significant time for many people and for the society we…

  • Milkshaking Fascists: Why Christians Need to Rethink Violence

    Milkshaking Fascists: Why Christians Need to Rethink Violence

    Christianity has a long history of often heated discussion around violence, from absolute pacifism to the just war tradition and, indeed, some positions that can only be described as ‘warmongering’.  There is, however, one aspect of violence which unites many of these differing factions: physical violence committed by the individual in situations other than self-defence.  Who,…