• Has the Church Abandoned the Poor?

    Has the Church Abandoned the Poor?

    In April 2018, Philip North, Bishop of Burnley expressed the opinion that there was “a widespread perception among northern DDOs [diocesan directors of ordinands] that candidates from working-class backgrounds with northern accents are victims of prejudice” in the selection process for ordination training.  Bishop North has, in recent years, become one of the sharpest critics…

  • Truth, Freedom of Speech, and the Poppy

    Truth, Freedom of Speech, and the Poppy

    This blog is a sort of semi-sequel to this one.  If you have not read it, you may like to. In a recent speech, the actor and comedian Stephen Fry expressed his frustration at the apparent death of the political centre ground. The problem, he feels, is that freedom of speech is under attack from both…

  • “Why Are You Not Communist Like Jesus Was?”: Anarchists on Christianity

    “Why Are You Not Communist Like Jesus Was?”: Anarchists on Christianity

    For some time now I have been thinking about how to open this blog up to allow voices other than my own to be heard.  Recently I ‘reblogged’ a piece from elsewhere for the first time, and soon a series of guest bloggers will be posting on issues close to them.  For this piece though, I…

  • The Problem With Policing

    The Problem With Policing

    Expressing your aversion to the police as an institution immediately elicits some variation of the same question each time: “what if someone’s breaking into my house?” or “what if someone attacks me?”.  People worry about being the victim of, or witness to a crime, and this is completely understandable.  Problems soon come though, when such…

  • 5 Steps to a Communist Christmas

    5 Steps to a Communist Christmas

    With Christmas Day imminent, it can be easy to get caught up in the last minute dash to the shops, or the frustration of planning something everyone will enjoy.  The whole Christmas season can become overshadowed by things that have no right to take up our time and thoughts, so with that in mind, here…

  • The Poppy Appeal: State Militarism in Fancy Dress

    The Poppy Appeal: State Militarism in Fancy Dress

    I nearly joined the army once.  I was a teenager, a young school leaver, with little to show for my years eking out a miserable existence in a place that didn’t want me.  I joined a college course, completely unsuitable for me, and eventually left when my anti-authoritarian streak reared its ruinous head.  The course…

  • Poverty and Privilege

    Poverty and Privilege

    Walking the Camino is a privilege.  We often use such words flippantly, even if we are showing gratitude, but what does it really mean for something to be a privilege?  For the last five weeks I’ve been working this through my head.  I am someone who has, at least in relative terms, known both sides…

  • Comparing Engels to Hitler is Capitalist Hypocrisy

    Comparing Engels to Hitler is Capitalist Hypocrisy

    Being a writer of the more sporadic variety, it can often take something considerable to force me to get typing.  Sometimes however, a subject arises which probably doesn’t fall into that category, but simply requires a response.  Such is the case with Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan’s article about the artist Phil Collins’ recent unveiling of…

  • A Reflection on Acts 2:42-47

    They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to…

  • Trump, Brexit, and Change

    It’s been a few days since Donald Trump was elected the next president of the United States. There’s been so much written and spoken about this already that I really didn’t feel like I could or should contribute, however a video by Russell Brand really got me thinking through all of this, and I wanted to draw…