• An open letter to Natalie Elphicke, MP for Dover and Deal

    An open letter to Natalie Elphicke, MP for Dover and Deal

    Dear Ms. Elphicke, I was shocked and alarmed to see your recent tweets and accompanying video regarding “illegal entrants” at St. Margaret’s Bay yesterday.  I understand that this is a cause célèbre for you as MP of Dover and Deal, perhaps as a result of some voters in the constituency feeling that there may be…

  • Reflections on Remembrance & Nationalism

    Reflections on Remembrance & Nationalism

    Today I went to a Remembrance service at a war memorial followed by one at a church.  At both, the national anthem was sung, and other nationalistic sentiments were expressed in word and song.  It goes without saying that Remembrance is an incredibly important and significant time for many people and for the society we…

  • Milkshaking Fascists: Why Christians Need to Rethink Violence

    Milkshaking Fascists: Why Christians Need to Rethink Violence

    Christianity has a long history of often heated discussion around violence, from absolute pacifism to the just war tradition and, indeed, some positions that can only be described as ‘warmongering’.  There is, however, one aspect of violence which unites many of these differing factions: physical violence committed by the individual in situations other than self-defence.  Who,…

  • Has the Church Abandoned the Poor?

    Has the Church Abandoned the Poor?

    In April 2018, Philip North, Bishop of Burnley expressed the opinion that there was “a widespread perception among northern DDOs [diocesan directors of ordinands] that candidates from working-class backgrounds with northern accents are victims of prejudice” in the selection process for ordination training.  Bishop North has, in recent years, become one of the sharpest critics…

  • Does the Church of England Face “Disestablishment by a Thousand Cuts”?

    Does the Church of England Face “Disestablishment by a Thousand Cuts”?

    In 2000, the then future Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, predicted that before long the Church of England would experience “disestablishment by a thousand cuts”.1  This did not happen during his tenure as Archbishop, and as we shall see, for various reasons it seems even less likely to happen under the current Archbishop of Canterbury,…

  • The Church Can No Longer Be Politically Neutral

    The Church Can No Longer Be Politically Neutral

    I can still picture the moment I discovered that there are Christians who believe that climate change is a good thing because it will speed Christ’s return!  Much like the famed ‘rapture hatch’, it can be tempting to laugh at such eschatological clumsiness, but for the seriousness of its implications.  A similar story emerges with…

  • Stories from the Way: The Camino Donativo

    Stories from the Way: The Camino Donativo

    Reaction to the BBC’s ‘Pilgrimage: The Road to Santiago’ has been somewhat mixed amongst those who have completed the journey themselves.  Indeed even before it began, more than one friend expressed their concern that such a programme could not possibly do justice to the great and ancient mysteries of the Way.  I likewise had concerns, but…

  • “Why Are You Not Communist Like Jesus Was?”: Anarchists on Christianity

    “Why Are You Not Communist Like Jesus Was?”: Anarchists on Christianity

    For some time now I have been thinking about how to open this blog up to allow voices other than my own to be heard.  Recently I ‘reblogged’ a piece from elsewhere for the first time, and soon a series of guest bloggers will be posting on issues close to them.  For this piece though, I…

  • 5 Steps to a Communist Christmas

    5 Steps to a Communist Christmas

    With Christmas Day imminent, it can be easy to get caught up in the last minute dash to the shops, or the frustration of planning something everyone will enjoy.  The whole Christmas season can become overshadowed by things that have no right to take up our time and thoughts, so with that in mind, here…

  • Joy in Enough: Economics for People and Planet

    “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”  So goes Henry Ford’s oft parroted quote.  It is particularly popular with Donald Trump, who has tweeted it on at least three separate occasions.  Of course it’s easy for someone like Donald Trump to say, starting out, as…